Introducing technology and modern machinery to your business can lead to certain job positions becoming redundant due to technological changes. This is referred to as technological unemployment and is a challenge many companies face globally. Some argue that technological advancement gives your human capital time to focus on tasks that require more attention and input that can not be replaced by a machine. This is especially true for first world countries that tend to have a higher educated population paired with a shortage of human capital. First world countries can supplement their workforce with technology and can use training to further the skills of their limited workforce to become more efficient.

Unfortunately, this is not as simple in South Africa and most other African countries. The population comprises large low and middle-class groups where, in 2018, 59% of 25-64 year-olds from these groups have only attained upper secondary education. This means that first and third world countries have different definitions of managing a workforce effectively and efficiently.

Furthermore, the 2021 unemployment rate in South Africa has increased to 34.4%. Consequently, when choosing a workforce management solution you need to consider features that apply to your country’s specific political, environmental and social needs. In South Africa, you would, for example, need a workforce management solution that caters to the right need, not replacing workers but rather empowering and uplifting your workforce. This can be achieved by placing the right tool in workers’ hands that enables them to work more effectively and deliver better service. This will allow businesses to perform better and will create the opportunity to expand business growth.

Here are some practical considerations to think about when deciding on a workforce management solution:

Easy to use
When working with a workforce that is less educated, an easy-to-use solution is preferable.

The solution should be robust, intuitive and match the way the workforce completes work.

Helpful rather than forceful
The workforce solution should be a helpful tool that can be used instead of begging and forcing workers to complete their tasks.

Built in FAQs and manuals
The process can be streamlined with built-in how-to guides, FAQs and manuals of equipment being serviced.

Uses smart technology
Combining smart technology such as IoT, location tracking and QR scanning with relevant data which should be readily available on the backend, will enable more relevant information being conveyed to the field worker. This can assist with performing exactly the right tasks on the right piece of equipment at the correct place and time.

Easy data capturing
Convert all paper-based forms into digital forms that the workforce can complete as they perform certain tasks. By using required fields this also prevents incomplete entries. Digital data capturing is more accurate as data can be captured easily with the ability to autocomplete certain fields and capture data on different devices which automatically syncs to the cloud. The end result: a real-time view of all data and processes by anyone with authorised access.

Requires minimal training
Workforce management software should be intuitive including tool-tips to aid the workforce. This means minimal training is required before workers can start using the system.

Enhances communication
Placing a tool Bloodhound’s Xactco in your mobile workforce’s hands will immediately connect them with other field workers who might be performing similar tasks in a close-by region. They can easily request support or be in direct communication with management who should have real-time visibility of what is happening on ground-level. Furthermore all communication and service-related information is stored in the cloud for reporting or dispute resolution. ​

Essentially, organisations should see a solid workforce management solution as an investment in their workforce that can empower and educate them; placing a tool in their hands that enables them to work more effectively and be more engaged in their work resulting in higher quality of service delivered.

If you would like to see how Bloodhound’s Xactco workforce management solution can empower your workforce and improve your operations, please book a demo and one of our consultants will be in touch.

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